Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the event take place?
The event runs from July 19th through July 31st, 2024.
Was this a month-long event in the past?
Yes, in previous years the event lasted approximately 4 weeks.  After careful consideration, we’ve shortened the length of the event since the event seems to be most popular for consumers in the first couple of weeks.
Does everyone in my party need a wristband to get the special being offered?
Yes, each person would their own wristband to be eligible for the special.  This does not apply to other menu offerings that are not included in the Taste of Summer.
Do kids need a wristband?
If they are choosing the special being offered, they would need a wristband of their own.
Can we come back and enjoy the special again if we’ve already visited before?
Yes, you are welcome to return and get the special again and again during the Taste of Summer event period.  July 19th – July 31st.
Are the same specials offered each year?
No, in many cases the restaurant offers change from year to year.
The specials seem to be different online that what I’m seeing here:
Many people google this event and are seeing past years offerings.  Be sure you are seeing the deals for 2024.
Can wristbands be mailed?
No, we cannot mail wristbands.
Where can I buy wristbands in person?
You can come to the Rancho Mirage Chamber of Commerce office located at 71905 Highway 111, Suite H, Rancho Mirage. (Across the street from the River in Rancho Mirage), or you can visit one of our participating Non-Profit organizations listed.
If I purchased my wristband online through the Rancho Mirage Chamber of Commerce, can I still pick them up at any participating non-profit organization?
No, you’ll need to pick them up directly from the organization that you purchased them from.